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Kenya C

Kenya C

Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
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Generational Commitment

This is one of three coffees we buy from Liwani Farms in Nakuru, Kenya. This coffee presents a berry tart aroma from the bag, and finishes with notes of Lemon, Peach Tea, and Cloves on the palette. Comprised of SL28, Ruiru 11, Batian varietals, this coffee is latosolic grown at 1900 MASL, wet-washed, and dried on raised beds.

Nate met Peter Kuria in the summer of 2021 when Peter stopped by our roasting facility one afternoon to introduce himself. Peter's family has been farming coffee in Nakuru Kenya since 1983, and has recently expanded their operation into exporting their coffees to the states. Now, they help neighboring farmers mill and sort their coffees and are working towards helping their community gain access to better markets and higher prices. Every year we buy more coffee from Peter than we were able to the year prior as we continue to strengthen the economic ties between our communities.